Sunday 18 September 2016

"Journeys to the Self"

It's been so long! Since I posted on here. I'm in a coffee shop with a very old journal. I found this unfinished poem from December 21st, 2012. I share it now, and, perhaps, finish it later..?

I thought I was alone
Mukluks crunching in crisp diamond snow
Sun low - Solstice Day
She walks with me
Silent, weightless

Floating amongst the salmon coloured willows
Atop the thumping bullrushes.
At times, she lies flat
Yet moving still
Gliding across the snow covered river marsh

Alone but together
She pats the shadow dogs
A reminder

The Light and all that is given
Together as one
All that throbs and ebbs beneath the powerful Sun


Half a world away
In both time and space
That same shadow girl
Crumbles with each crashing wave

Yet, she never dissipates, only shimmers
Wavering beneath the full blood moon
Running backwards as toes scrape
Dancing upon wet ocean sand

Phosphorescence shimmering in long green lines
The passage of life, the movement of time
Am I still that girl? Somehow in some way?
A shadow of everything that while in flux,
Will always stay.

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