Thursday, 9 February 2012

Waking up to dirty dishes...

Today has been a series of negative emotions, thoughts and actions. Today sucks. And I am sofa king tired today. Blasted. Whaddya do? Nothing. There's nothing wrong, even. Just a day wherein I failed to see the beauty and wonder and saw instead the shitty stuff.

One thing I know is that I woke up and eventually started wondering what to make for breakfast (I may have a food obsession to deal with–food rules my life and I want that to change). Anyway, I knew we had some browning bananas in the fruit bowl (I thought we had 3 or 4). I made some awesome blueberry banana muffins the other day (recipe found here: ). I was going to make them again! So I came downstairs and saw a sink full of dirty dishes. Blech. I didn't even notice them when I got home from V-ball last night. I hate waking up to dirty dishes. And now I had to wash them before I began making delicious muffins. Hmmmph. So I wash them. Now it's time for muffins. Shit. There are only 2 bananas left (well 2 and the chunk Xavier hasn't finished yet). So do I half the recipe? Yes. That's what I'll do. Ok so I go to get the yogourt from the fridge. There is no yogourt? There is no yogourt. When? Who? (I think I ate it, actually). I might as well just find a whole new recipe. The new recipe I find is lame and boring. The muffins taste ok but aren't nearly as moist and hearty as the recipe I was dreaming of. Ahhhhh. Such is life.

The rest of the day progressed in such a way where everything just kind of went south or sour or whatever the saying is. So, here's to hoping tomorrow is sweet and north, I guess. And that I have better perspective. I think a good sleep should help with that perspective stuff.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like that post could have been written by me on a different day! I hate waking up to dirty dishes too! I agree it throws off my energy, although I have to also admit that like you said its a choice to see the beauty, and there is beauty, even amid a sink full of dirty dishes.
