Sunday, 5 February 2012


In Spanish -ito and -ita are diminutives. So if you call me Shannita it's like calling me "little Shanna." With names it's often a term of endearment. When attached to most nouns, it just means little. So, slumpito. A little slump.

I'm not sure when my little slump began. Maybe just 2 or 3 days ago. I've been practicing yoga everyday, meditating before bed, eating well and enjoying my time. I've been becoming increasingly aware of how I respond to situations and I was feeling on top of the world! And then, for no known reason I just started to feel not on top of the world. This happens to me from time to time (my guess is that it happens to most people). The thing is, I don't understand why it happens.

I've been focusing on breathing a lot lately and I wonder if our emotions and moods aren't cyclical in the same way that the breath inevitably rises and falls. On the inhale we can feel light and energized, on an exhale grounded and peaceful. Maybe if we inhale to drastically, get too energized, our exhale will take us to a heavy place. I don't know. So, a little slump. It's fine. I know it won't last. But I wonder, will I always have ups and downs? Is this inevitable? Masters of yoga are not affected by the world around. They live in a state of complete equanimity. So, I'll keep working on that! Work to do. As Dr. Seuss wrote, "unslumping yourself is not easily done."

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