Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Ooops. I missed a day. I forgive me :)

Last night I came home after teaching three (yes, I get huge numbers here at Michener Park) beautiful ladies yoga. Xavier was still awake and I fell asleep while I was getting him to sleep. So I didn't write my blog yesterday. But that's ok. Life happens. I suppose if I want to learn from this I can recognize that it would be better to write my blog earlier in the day (though this is not always an option with my lovely play companion).

And so, today I will give you an update. Part of my biggest most underlying intention for this 40 Day journey is unconditional love. So it was easy to forgive myself for missing one day. Be gentle to yourself. I used to be so so so hard on myself all the time. Nothing I do is ever good enough. It's not not good enough for other people, it's not good enough for me, in my own mind. So I'm learning to be more kind to myself. It's a worthwhile endeavour; if I'm not going to be nice to myself, why would I expect anyone else to be?

So. What is this post about? I don't know. I have been keeping up my yoga practice. I had a great class at the Yoga Loft today with Rameen Peyrow. It was a beautifully challenging sequence. I have been faithfully and steadily, even readily, keeping up with my meditation, which has been the greatest thing. I am truly amazed at how–insert word that means good but better than good–life is going these days. I am even starting to, get this, LIKE meditating! I used to enjoy the after effects of meditation but found sitting so still completely excruciating. I am so fidgety and I recall saying, at some earlier point in my life, "I hate sitting still. It makes me feel like I'm dead or something." Little did I know the only thing that might die if I sit still is my EGO! I have been feeling this really interesting spiralling sensation as I meditate. Apparently it's normal. It's a stage (Rameen told me that). I've never been at a stage of meditation before!! (Wait, that's not true. I have been at the "this hurts my back, man this hurts, ouch" stage for awhile).

We found a calendar from 2009 of Hindu gods and goddesses. Xavier now sings devotional hymns to Indra and Krishna. His favourite is Ganesh. He told me that last night. He said, "My favourite is Ganesh because he removes all the obstacles. What are obstacles?" And so I will sign off with Xavier's fave song: 


  1. I love it, and I love how much I can learn from my friends, even if I see them only once every 3 years or so. You rock. Just sayin.

  2. You rock too my friend! And literally. I think I will see you sooner than later ;)
