Monday, 18 June 2012

Coffee dying: a table cloth turned darling

I purchased this table cloth from Goodwill some time ago. I had big plans for it, but it took ages to get around to my project.
First I made a giant pot full of strong black coffee. Meshon was aghast when he saw the amount of coffee I "wasted."

Then I put my table cloth in the sink with some salt and hot water (I think a plastic or glass container may have worked better. The stainless steel might have had something to do with the very slight colour change I ended up with).

And finally you simply dump the coffee in and let it sit for an hour or two. I ran the fabric through the rinse cycle after this because there were coffee grounds everywhere. Use a regular percolator style coffee to avoid coffee ground messiness and then just let it dry and you'll have a lovely vintage coloured garment/fabric!

I simply cut a hole in the middle of the table cloth, did some shirring, sewed some lacy ribbon on and ended up with a super twirlable little dress. But the first time I tried it I had made it too big around the bust. So I shirred some more; now it's a little tight. Alas, we sew and learn.

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