Thursday, 19 January 2012

Shanti means Peace! OM

Often times, when chanting devotional mantras, we end with "shanti, shanti, shanti-i." Shanti simply means peace, and it sounds beautiful and peaceful too. The threefold chanting of shanti is often interpreted as representing peace in body, speech and mind; in the entirety of one's being. I've also heard it interpreted as peace with one's past, one's present and one's future.

I was once at a powerful talk given by an amazing woman. Her name is Manorama. People call her Ma for short. At one point I raised my hand and either asked or attempted to answer a question (I can't remember). After I spoke she asked my name. I said "Shanna." She replied, "Ah yes. Peace. Peace is very brave." It was really amazing how she could break down our names into Sanskrit etymology. So the root of my name is Peace.

But then I remembered the lessons of another amazing teacher. Jan Henrikson broke down the meaning of the beautiful Lord Krishna's name. Krish: crash and na: not. Krishna consciousness. No crashing! So then isn't my name Shan: peace and na: not? I am No Peace. Peace Not.

I don't want to be "no peace" (maybe I can be know peace?) but I do know one thing about myself. I cannot stomach injustice. It pains me to the core. Whenever people have said, "Life isn't fair, you know" I always want to scream "BUT IT SHOULD BE! AND WHENEVER WE CAN MAKE IT FAIR WE SHOULD!!!!!"(though I don't know exactly what "fair" would look like).

If my name is going to mean "No Peace" then I shall choose to add a little more to it. I will be "No Peace until there is true equity on this planet." May we all find peace within ourselves.


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