Friday, 20 January 2012

Magic Spells and Goodnight

Xavier uses magic spells a lot. As of late he has often been casting, "Lollipop, lollipop, lollipop lessler, turn this mama into a wrestler!" then he makes a kind of strange sound and zap! I'm a wrestler. He runs off to the corner and awaits my wrestling attack. I also usually start singing the lollipop song from Stand By Me when he starts that spell. He covers my mouth so he can finish casting.

Tonight I talked him a story (which is different than reading him one) and, of course, he wanted me to talk more stories. It was getting late and he was slightly overtired. Lying still for even a moment would have meant certain sleep. I told him I was way too tired to talk another story. Then came a spell. "Zombidop, zombidop, zombidop zory, make this mama talk another story!" I had to tell him that his spells don't work on really really tired people. Then I explained that if we closed our eyes we'd wake up to a whole nother fresh day. A bright new day full of possibilities, of spells and stories and playing. This worked somehow. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Meshon and I have talked about getting him to put himself to bed. We really messed up on the creating a self-soother thing. But some of the best moments of my day are lying with him at bedtime, listening to his breath soften and feeling his eyelashes flutter against my forehead. Also, I remember lying in bed alone, terrified of all the horrible things my imagination would conjure up. He too has a wild imagination. I know some of you are thinking we'll have to get him to sleep every night until he's a teenager but I really don't think so. And hey, we all just do the best we can at this parenting gig.

Sweet dreams everyone. I'd sing you all lullabies too, if you asked me too <3

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