Friday, 28 October 2016

"a Love letter" to the Self

"a Love letter"

She reads book titles like Tarot
Sucking every last ounce of marrow
From the shattered bones of meaning
Gleaning seeming but screaming symbols
From All that the perceiver perceives.

But see?
Does She?

If Perception is King
Where is the Queen?
Emotion? Intuition? Vibrations unseen?

Through books and breaths
Squandered looks and rests

Resting Here.
Running There.
Making circles out of squares

Squashing and carving and whittling pegs
Forcing control.
Holding on, being dragged.
Fearing surrender, denying release.
Fix it right! What is ease?
Let go this time. Unhand the banks.
The river runs free.
Give thanks.
Give thanks.

“The Universe has your back”
But the Fault in our Stars
Is what it is
But isn’t ours
Isn’t ours…
Hours and hours.
Measured and bought.
Recorded. Transported.
Afforded or not.
Some wasted. Some spent.
The mind is what lent
All the mechanized compartments
To the Heart, who doesn’t want them.

Before Time. Before Space.
There was Your face.
It’s still here now
I suppose it won’t go
Even though…
I fear losing You
More than I dare know.

And yet, this I wish:
Please be free!
Please laugh and please grow.

Your freedom is mine too
So let us dance in the snow
As it melts beneath bare feet
Right here. Where I’m at.
I truly am all that!
And a bag a chips and some chocolate and a cherry on top of it!

Faith. Trust the Love.
Certainty dwindles and fades.
I write in search
That I might find a way
Looking here. Looking there.
Realizing that until I dare:

Look within.
Long, and without chagrin
With Love and Curiosity
With Joy and Luminosity

The key? To be free
The answer? To me:

Not in book titles
Nor in Tarot
Not in the songs of the Sparrow…
Maybe that is not so
Nature does let me know

All that we seek is already
Rhythmic beating and so steady
Always was. Always will.

Self-acceptance. Surrender.
What is left can’t be killed.
Can not die.
Knows not Time.
Moves amidst space but does not wear a face.

Forget about remembering what was inevitably forgot!
Instead: simply dance. Don’t stop the music.
And laugh a whole lot.

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