Monday, 25 February 2013

Themes? Patterns? Groupings? Why?

Today the moon is full. It's in Leo and that means creativity (according to some) or communicating with ancestors (according to others). I'm starting to think that all astrology is some pretty awesome cosmic storytelling...much interpretation going on. The point is, I feel like I should write something...but I don't know what. Before beginning I wanted to choose a theme, I wanted to have a indecision nearly caused me to just call it quits and go to bed. But is life really like that? Do we live according to themes? No! It's mostly a wild ride and we try to make sense by grouping everything. So I thought I might just write and see where I end up...

Ancestors. I love my Grandma, and I miss her. I told my friend Sarah, after impressing her with my ability to taste that she didn't use quite as much butter as the shortbread recipe called for, that my knowledge of baking comes directly through an ancestral link to my Grandma's life experience. I have never even made shortbread! Maybe it's true, maybe I'm full of shit. Likely some of both.

I had so much fun visiting Sarah and Vagelli in Calgary. We even drove to the mountains, hiked along a gorgeous mountain stream and saw three amazingly beautiful elk (with huge antlers). And we danced. Dancing. There is something so healing about bodies moving together to the same rhythm. Something intriguing about the way each body represents that rhythm pulsing through it. We should all dance more, and sing. As a society, we are broken maybe because we don't incorporate singing and dancing into our daily lives anymore.

Someone told me that there is a drumming circle at some cafe in Edmonton. I want to go. I love drumming in drumming circles. But will I go? What am I afraid of? Or am I really really so busy (I kind of am for a bit). And spoken word. Spoken word is so powerful, especially live. I remember seeing Shauntay Grant in Halifax. Wow. And Magpie Ulysses at Ness Creek. Most of the spoken word poets I have ever seen have moved me tremendously...not always because they are incredibly talented (though most of them are) but because they are brave enough to share their words. They have let go of caring what people think enough to bare their souls to strangers...vulnerability. There really is power in being vulnerable. And I am sleepy....

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