On Saturday, the day before Earth Day, we dug up our grass and planted a mini garden in our back yard. Xavier was a little concerned and asked, "But why are we digging up all the grass?" I explained that we couldn't eat grass so we might as well grow something we could eat. He was down with this idea but noted that if we were cows, we would be able to eat the grass. For some reason he was especially excited to plant some onions. Xavier is also very gentle and kind to the earthworms. He would pick them up from the dirt and say, "It's ok. I'll take care of you. I'll put you in this nice dirt over here." Then he'd watch them bury themselves again. I'm not sure what was wrong with the dirt he removed them from in the first place.
Great gardeners, these two guys:
Planting white daisies. They remind me of my Grandma. She used to let me pick the ones behind her house.
Clump of dirt with an earth worm in it. Xavier kept saying, "I need another earthworm, dig me another clump!"
Planting seeds!
And I think the seeds will all germinate. We've had warmth and rain. I also planted some herbs in toilet paper rolls in a container. They're inside for now. My plan is to put them in a cloth shoe-holder like this one I saw posted somewhere online:
Hopefully my plan will work out. Time to water my toilet paper rolls and then head to bed!
Good to see you keeping on with your blog! I hope your garden grows well. We have sun in Saskatoon today, but I haven't planted anything yet.