Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Failure or not, here I am

I began this blog with the intention of writing a post every day for 40 days. I was on a role, until I went to Shellbrook and had no internet connection. I was initially determined not to let that stop me. My plan was to write an entry every day as a word document and then post them once I returned to the land of the unbelievably connected. This plan fell through. Something about seeing the post up on the blog makes it so much more rewarding than writing them in a boring word document. So I ultimately failed. I am a 40 day failure, again.

 Not entirely; I exaggerate. I have definitely kicked my chip eating habit and have maintained a daily meditation practice. And I feel pretty good about not completing my bloggedy blog task. I did some solid reading. Had my mind literally blown to pieces by I AM THAT, got some solid Murakami reading in and worked on some poems. So my ultimate goal of writing more often is continuing to grow.

I just thought I'd check in, report on my whereabouts and promise more entries to come, though I don't think I'll aim for one every day. Hopefully that will mean higher quality posts!

1 comment:

  1. Shanti Shanna, you've done well. Nice to see this blog.
