Friday, 30 March 2012

From Sheet to Shirt!!!

I made a fabulous little top this evening out of an old sheet I bought at Goodwill and a pillowcase that was kicking around here, unused. I did not, however, create a step by step tutorial. Forgive me. When I start sewing I become hyper-focused and can hardly wait to see how the finished product turns out. Here is the shirt that Shanna built:

Bahahaha! I think me trying to figure out how to take a picture of myself is worthy of a blog post. At least, once I realized I could turn the timer on, I managed to look like some kind of...I don't even know what that look and pose is all about. I was trying to show the neckline; I look as though brilliant benevolent aliens are coming to get me and I'm offering myself to them. (I made the little cut-off jean mini too).

Anyways, not only do I love my new sheet shirt, I learned some lessons about myself as I sewed along. You see, originally I had used an elastic belt as the cuffs but it looked weird (I did some great ruching though). Now, when things look weird I often just give up instead of getting out the seam ripper. Today I was more realistic about life and sewing. Sometimes you have to try again. And then sometimes again and again and again. This is life, not failure. It's learning. I'm learning.

If you like this little number and want to make one yourself, get this awesomely cool book that Serimuse got for me! It's called The Subversive Seamster The project is called "This Shirt is the Sheet!" I used the pillow case (jersey knit) for the cuffs and waistband whereas they use suspenders but it's all good. Find something stretchy.

Happy Friday night! Hope you had as much fun as I did ;)

Saturday, 24 March 2012

I have nothing to write...

I want to keep up the habit of writing this blog, but I don't know what to write about tonight. Actually, I was sewing the other day and I didn't take any photos of my recreation project so I can't blog about that. It did feel nice to chop up old stuff and turn it into something new. The jean mini skirt I made is just right and the crazy light blue corduroy pants turned tank with brown frilly trim is too sexy for this mama. So I think I should sell some of these creations; problem is, I'm strangely attached to them. I don't know why. I obviously need to do some work on the aparigraha (non-hoarding/non-coveting) aspect of my yoga life. OK, I will. I'll try to sell these creations I will never wear. Or give them away or whatever. I have  a plan to make a shirt out of a sheet and a stretchy belt I got at GoodWill. I hereby promise to do a proper creation blog about it with pictures and how to instructions.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Saturated with Love

I read a book. But it was a reading experience like nothing I've ever had before. I wasn't just reading I was soaking up love and wisdom as I was invited to journey through the gentle stories, lessons and experiences of Swami Rama.

Gentle and loving; honest and humble. Not to mention descriptions of the most fantastic and amazing occurrences. One Sadhu could change matter from one form into another; Swami Rama's master, Bengali Baba, was a healer, as was Swami Rama himself. The stories are fascinating. And here is what Swami Rama teaches about intuition (a huge part of what I propose to study during my PhD...if I do end up beginning a PhD):

"When we have gone through intellectual gymnastics, we find something beyond the intellect. A stage comes when intellect cannot guide us, and only intuition can show us the way. Intellect examines, calculates, decides, accepts, and rejects all that is happening within the spheres of mind, but intuition is an uninterrupted flow that dawns spontaneously from its source, deep down within. It dawns only when the mind attains a state of tranquility, equilibrium, and equanimity. That pure intuition expands the human consciousness in a way that one starts seeing things clearly. Life as a whole is understood, and ignorance is dispelled. After a series of experiences, direct experience becomes a guide and one starts receiving intuition spontaneously" (p. 118).

I am very grateful that I happed upon this book in the library. And I am ever more grateful that this great teacher came to the West and shared his knowledge, ancient wisdom and love. He explains that "all the great religions have come out of one truth" and that the common characteristic was love. He then explains that: "Religion without love is lifeless. To practice love you must not hate anyone, especially those who do not belong to your religion, culture or community" (p. 135).

And I could go on and on quoting at length. Meditate and practice diligently and patiently, without desire for any outcome with the intention of spreading love and doing good for all of creation.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

The Rise and Fall

Sunsets. Sunrises. Beautiful serene visions of coulourfully changing subtlety. How often to we take the time to sit and wait until the sun descends completely? In Saskatchewan, on the prairies, in the land of living skies, the descent of the sun is more gradual than in many places (for example, near the equator or in mountainous landscapes). When I was flying back from Australia more than a decade ago I met a Japanese couple on my flight from Vancouver to Saskatoon. I asked, quite bluntly, "Why are you traveling to Saskatchewan?" "For the sunsets," was the answer I received. Ah yes. Something we may take for granted, I realized. Not to mention the Northern Lights (which I'm certain have been spectacular since the solar flares).

The large picture window faces west and mom and dad's house. Here are some examples of what is seen through that window, from the land of living skies:

 Sunrise with cows
 Sunrise (cows on the hill)

I don't see the sun set in Edmonton. I probably don't even know which way West is (I don't). I've noticed the moon a few times, not many stars. But there is beauty, even here. The white hares hopping about are starting to turn greyish brown again. The children are out more, splashing in the slush. And I'll look more closely to see if I can glimpse the setting sun amidst the buildings and traffic lights.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Failure or not, here I am

I began this blog with the intention of writing a post every day for 40 days. I was on a role, until I went to Shellbrook and had no internet connection. I was initially determined not to let that stop me. My plan was to write an entry every day as a word document and then post them once I returned to the land of the unbelievably connected. This plan fell through. Something about seeing the post up on the blog makes it so much more rewarding than writing them in a boring word document. So I ultimately failed. I am a 40 day failure, again.

 Not entirely; I exaggerate. I have definitely kicked my chip eating habit and have maintained a daily meditation practice. And I feel pretty good about not completing my bloggedy blog task. I did some solid reading. Had my mind literally blown to pieces by I AM THAT, got some solid Murakami reading in and worked on some poems. So my ultimate goal of writing more often is continuing to grow.

I just thought I'd check in, report on my whereabouts and promise more entries to come, though I don't think I'll aim for one every day. Hopefully that will mean higher quality posts!