Dear Love,
Are You Black? No. Not blue either, though... Fiery bright Red? Sometimes. Burning flames. Embers ignited. Licking clean all misconceptions about You...
I think You might be Green. Like the buds I saw on the trees while walking here. Ever new. Always renewing. You.
I've searched. We all do. But You. You don't stay still. Don't wait to be grasped. Crumble at the mere notion of being caged. Won't be named of defined. Yet You constantly refine. Making shiny and bright. A newfound sensitivity to Life.
Are You the light that I saw when she smiled at me? Pleased by my rotund fertility? Are You the feeling of knowing with absolute certainty? That All is just as it should be. Demanding surrender. Hearts that feign tender, know not the infinite power of eternal Love. No pain. No strain. Just is-ness. Below. Above. Within. Without...
Without You, dear Love, could we connect with each Other? Finding ultimately that all Sisters, and Beings, all Brothers. Not Others...maybe Nothers. A-nother. Nothings and Alls. Witnessing my Self as I fall. Falling into You. You will catch me, I know. I ask then for Faith. For the courage to let go.
Dear Love, I thank You. For always being here. Deep inside. In all things. Are You why we persevere? Until someday we fly free (but we already are). Wrapped safe, in Your ubiquitous embrace. What was always near, has never been. So far.