Thursday, 25 February 2016

A poème

It's been awhile since I've posted. Maybe since I've done a lot of things. Writing. Creativity. Movement. Dance. Community. Meditation...

We had a conference. It showcased the interaction between our academic and creative works. I wrote this the night before. Maybe it's about my thesis. Maybe my thesis is about poetry.

Ma voix, ta langue

Speak - Power
Speak - Might
Man; Woman; Black; White
Relentless dichotomy
Of wrong or of right

We lie down.
Meet there in that oft quoted field

Émotion. Intuition.
Je te danse
Tu me comprends

In this deeper intangible timeless space of the real

I feel you
Reveal you
Unwind you
And peel you

Raw. To the bone.
Muscle and sinew.

À peau de fleurs
Percer directement au cœur

To the depths
Rhythmic breath
Beating hearts
Symphony of parts

Me and You

Et Tout
Tout ce qui existe dans ce monde entier
All that intertwines in infinite interplay
Creating this dance, made new each day

To dance is to Be
Undoing the Other
Melding as One
Only to discover…

Quoi ? Cette voix…
Pas le mien…
C’est à toi ?

Ah bon,
Je suis encore trop tard ?

Une seule langue, celle de nos corps…
Avec des échos beaucoup plus forts

Stronger than words
So often unheard
But vibrations ever-etched
Onto souls are sketched
Ever changing
Ever new
Always becoming

Maybe I am. You