Monday, 1 December 2014

Love Evolving

There was this little video on facebook the other day. It had something to do with "real love" versus "ego love." It was a nice reminder. Wanting the people you love to be happy, regardless of whether or not that means you are significantly part of their lives. Apparently, according to a yoga healer guy, the Maori culture views love as the space between two people. I dig it. I said something like that myself, after contemplating Marc Chagall's paintings. To quote myself (haha):

"Love is the existence of the ephemeral balance of sun and moon energy, of reason and intuition, of the head and of the heart. It is the point just there, in the in-between, where dualism and dichotomy can no longer exist, and where creation and destruction appear as simultaneously inevitable aspects of being."

But I haven't always had these ideas about love. Check out this heart-broken, Princess Buttercup in her rocking chair breathing the words "I will never love again," poem I wrote after my wild and passionate love affair with a dive instructor from New Zealand. Aroha Nui Dear Tony ;)

But lately. Unconditional ego-less love has been something I've understood and felt. Admittedly, I forget once in awhile. But still. Love liberates. Love transforms. And ultimately, though it can really fucking burn: LOVE HEALS.

Red flame of love. 
Lick me clean with your many tongues. 
Dull metals littered with the dust and debris of Time Form anew. 
And strong. 

 Love grows when. 
Without will or purpose. 
Grows as it feeds on the knowing, that only IT possesses. 
Certainty that is lost in the mind-trap of language-thoughts. 

The heart. 
The you. The me. The in between. 
In that space. 
Infinite. Infinity. 
Expansive transformation. 

Love. She liberates. 
Everything else arriving disguised in Love's clothing: 
The pain. The hurt. The longing. 

All ego. Le moi-superficiel. Ahamkara
 And the deeper Self? Le moi-fondamental? Purusha

Peace. Love. Knowing. 
Always et pour toujours.